/* * This file illustrates one way to customize floating popup portlets. However, it is not enabled by default. * To enable this javascript functionality, uncomment the call to "initPortletFloatButtons()" in skin.js. */ function initPortletFloatButtons() { var links = document.getElementsByTagName("a"); for (var i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { if (links[i].className && links[i].className == "bea-portal-button-float") { initPortletFloatButton(links[i]); } } } function initPortletFloatButton(link) { link.onclick = floatPortlet; } function floatPortlet(event) { var href = getEventAnchorHref(getEvent(event)); var target = getEventAnchorTarget(getEvent(event)); // This is the interesting line for customization purposes: window.open(href, target, "toolbar = no, width = 320, height = 240, directories = no, status = no, scrollbars = yes, resize = yes, menubar = no"); // Returning false keeps the browser from submitting this button click to the server. return false; } function getEventAnchorHref(event) { var source = getEventSource(event); var href = "about:blank"; if (source) { // Mozilla should have the anchor as the source, so we try to get the href directly href = source.href; // But IE probably has the image itself, so we need to mine the parent anchor for the href if (source.src) { if (source.parentNode && source.parentNode.href) { href = source.parentNode.href; } } } return href; } function getEventAnchorTarget(event) { var source = getEventSource(event); var target = "_blank"; if (source) { // Mozilla should have the anchor as the source, so we try to get the target directly target = source.target; if (source.src) { // But IE probably has the image itself, so we need to mine the parent anchor for the target if (source.parentNode && source.parentNode.target) { target = source.parentNode.target; } } } return target; }